About me

Hello 👋🏻 I’m Alex.

I grew up in Chile for the first half of my life and in Australia for the second. I studied law and economics at the Australian National University, scraped through, and went on to have stints as a criminal lawyer, a management consultant, an international development consultant, and now an operations manager. A bit all over the shop.

Effective altruism helped me figure out how to have a purposeful life with a positive impact, and it’s led to what I’m doing now.


  • I lived in Ethiopia in 2019, and would’ve been there longer had it not been for the pandemic.
  • I sit on the Advisory Board for Lafiya Nigeria and Equalia.
  • I find international law fascinating, and it’s probably what I would pursue if money or impact were no object.
  • I worked for the prosecution on the Eastman case.
  • I managed the ANU student newspaper — Woroni.
  • I used to be a DJ (more like, a Girl Talk copycat).
  • I love baking 🎂

You can find me on Letterboxd and Steam.